Welcome to Nursery
Our morning session runs from 8:45-11:45am.
Our afternoon session runs from 12:30-3:30pm.
Children in Nursery are 2, 3 and 4 years old. Sparkles group are 2 and 3 year olds and Sunshine group are pre-school children (3 and 4 year olds).
Meet the nursery staff!
Jess - Nursery Teacher |
Mrs Marshall - EYFS Lead |
Roshan - Nursery Practitioner |
Fatima B - Nursery Practitioner (Mornings) |
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Click here to contact Jess, Nursery Teacher
Click here to contact Penny, EYFS Lead
Admissions to the Nursery are managed through the School Office.The children had an eventful Autumn term and have become familiar with the routines at Nursery. We have welcomed a lot of new children to our Nursery and made new friends.
The children enjoyed exploring Fairy Tale stories and performing Christmas Carols for
parents and careers. They have engaged well with different activities and tried new things.
It has been lovely to see them all grow.
This term, our topic is ‘Healthy and Happy’.
We will be exploring and talking about how we can keep healthy and happy. The children
will listen to a range of stories about exercise, food and emotions and actively be apart
keeping healthy and self-care routines. We will explore how we can move our bodies
through a range of physical activities and explore and eat healthy foods.
This term we will also be exploring different types of materials in the world around us and
explore 2D shapes.
Here are some of the texts we will be looking at this term…
Kangaroo’s guide to keeping fit
Every Bunny is a Yoga Bunny
Find your Happy
Time to Eat
Which food will you choose?