Year 3
P.E is now two days a week for both classes: on Tuesday (Netball) and Thursday (Ball Skills).
Children should wear P.E. kit (white t-shirt and black tracksuit or leggings), green jumper if it is cold) on PE days.
Children should also bring a water bottle to school so that they do not have to leave a lesson when they get thirsty.
Children will be provided with weekly homework. This may include maths based activities, writing activities and/or other activities relating to the curriculum. Home reading books are also being sent home. Please return these as soon as they have been read (alongside a comment on their home reading record) so that a new book can be given out. It is expected that parents or carers will read with their children at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes or more.
Other information:
Please ensure that children do not bring unnecessary items to school. Ideally, children should only bring the following items to school:
Fruit or vegetable for healthy snack at play time
Lunch box
Water bottle
Home reading book
If you need to contact either Year 3 teachers and are unable to for any reason, please use the following emails:
Mrs Thompson:
Mrs Cowling: